Gender: 2
Race: Goblin
Height: 4'5
Age: 42
Family: Siblings 'David, Moonsta, Angy, Daeloss', Mother, Father
Animals: Rain frog named 'Mog'
Weapons: Bow, 20 arrows, Daggar, Sling, Sling rocks, Knife

Personality: Devious, sneaky, yet presistant and quite a rogue. Is neither leader nor follower, and does not like being bossed around. Hard to be friends with, and is suspicious of everyone nearly. Loves a good trick, and Elf characters should avoid him. Since he tends to love tripping them, or messing with their bows. Isn't afraid of getting dirty (picture him purposely jumping into a mud puddle, then appearing with his companions saying 'It couldn't be avoided' covered head-toe in muck)

Appearance: Gangly, long-limbed in appearance.Tends to crouch (have bent knees, but a straight back) and gives the appearnace ready to spring away any moment. Pale forest green skin with long pointed ears (longer then a elves) and narrow yellow eyes. Pitch black hair that has spikey bangs and is left loose, comes down to between his shoulder blades. Feminine facial features with predominate cheek bones. Long fingernails and slightly pointed teeth. Carved eyebrows (plucked and then shaped in a stripe design) Stone-bead earrings, dark grey Romanesque tunic with black collaring. Black tights, dark grey sash. Dark bark-brown cloak, green-stone pendent. Bark quiver of arrows that dangles diagonally cross his back. Felt-lined boots, with leather coverings. Does NOT look like LotR Goblins, though used for reference in weaponary.


Born as the third oldest and the second child of his mother’s new companion (her first one was hanged for getting a group of goblins killed in a hunt) He competed among his other siblings for his place in the goblin honour.

He was 28 when he left his clan, recieving his mark when he was 21, but scrubbed it off saying it was best to surprise his opponet with his skill. And to the fact that the warriors are usually picked off in attacks first anyways.

He traveled for a short while with his older half-brother ‘David’ and then hunted with the forest goblins, leanring new tricks and earning his skill.

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