Race: Human
Height: 1.70 metre
Age: 17 years
Family: Her parents both died, no brothers or sisters.
Animals: three horses
Weapons: a little sword

Personality: Dínquese is a kind girl, she doesn't like fighting. She can defent herself very good, but she will never start a fight unless it's absolutly needed. Usually Dínquese is a happy girl. Dínquese loves to travel and hear old story's.

Appearance: Dínquese has long goldenblonde hair and cristalblue eyes. Her face is pretty with blushing cheeks. Dínquese is a slender girl, at home she wears elegant dresses and during traveling a tunic.


Dínquese was born and raised in Minas Tirith. Her mother died when Dínquese was 15 from a disease. Because of the death of her mother Dínquese wanted to become a healer. She had the best teachers, and after her father died in a war Dínquese left for a year to studie with the elves.

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