Race: Sindarin elf
Height: 6'1
Age: Born in the middle of the second age
Family: One younger sister, Aerlinn
Animals: An elven horse named Aduial
Weapons: Two daggers and a sword

Personality: Dollion is very quiet and observing. He spends most of his time in wandering, watching and waiting for signs of his younger sister. He is very interested in the healing arts and loves music. Although his appearance is intimidating he is quite calm and settled.

Appearance: Dollion has dark brown,mid-length wavy hair. His eyes are dark chocolate with amber flecks. Being so tall, he is lean and flexible but muscular due to training and battles.


In the battle of the last alliance Dollion’s mother (lannor) and father (Thalioneru) were killed. He was wounded with a deep cut on his left flank and was contempt to wander in Lothlorien till he heard from his younger sister Aerlinn.

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