Race: human, immortal
Height: average
Age: too old to tell
Family: mmmmmmm
Animals: animals?! like he cares!
Weapons: sword cane, cruelty

Personality: Cares little for others. Very sensual. Very cruel. He's "complicated", and adores all of the momentarily wordly pleasures of life. A real hedonist, a voluptuous man of the world.

Appearance: In Wilde's book, Dorian Gray was a blonde youth, all sweet and innocent. However, in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Gray has longish brown hair, brown eyes, and facial hair quite becoming. For a better reference, see pictures of Stuart Townsend in both LXG and The Queen of the Damned.


Dorian Gray (a character in Oscar Wilde’s “The Picture of Dorian Gray”) was corrupted at an early age. His friend, Basil Hallworth, made a painting of the boy, which, when looking at its sheer beauty, Dorian wished would take his age.

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