Gender: 1
Race: saiyan
Height: 6'
Age: 25
Family: no family
Animals: eagle
Weapons: sword

Personality: When Eagle is in a battle he is othen obnoxious and he is very cocky. When he is around people he knows he is othen a jokester. When he needs to be he can be scrious, but he is also very rude to people.

Appearance: Eagle is a very muscler saiyan. He has dark brown eyes.When he is a super saiyan he has light green eyes. When he is super saiyan 4 he has eye that are yellow like that of a wild animal. He has dark brown hair that sticks up like Goku's hair. Depending on how much he powers up his hair changes in lenght, style, color. He wairs an monkey hair for a shirt and yellow pants.

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