Gender: male
Race: Half-Elven and Half-Men
Height: 5' 10"
Age: 80 with appearance of 30
Location: Minas Tirith
Family: Father:Aragorn Mother:Arwen First Sister:Ardenia Second Sister:Nylanna
Animals: Uldir the Falcon
Weapons: Anudil and and an elven long bow

Personality: He is commanding, strong willed, outgoing, loyal, stubborn, hot-tempered, friendly, compassionate, and courageous.

Appearance: He has black shoulder length hair and grey eyes. He has fair skin.


He was born in the year 43 of the Fourth Age to Aragorn and Arwen in Minas Tirith. He started train to use weapons when he was 5 years old. His sister Ardenia was born when he was 10 and his sister Nylanna was born when he was 15. When was 18, he started to fight in his father’s army. He fought many wars with his father. When he was 20, his father made him captain of the guard so that he can have some authority and learn to lead. In the year 210 of the Fourth Age, his father gave up his life so that Eldarion could rule. He began to rule that very same year. A year later, his mother died in the land of her kin after saying good-bye to her loved ones. Three years later, evil began to stir once again. Only time will tell what evil lays wait.

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