Gender: 2
Race: Half Elven Half Human
Height: 5' 9
Age: 17
Animals: Dog (Horthien) Horse (Amariel)
Weapons: Dagger, Sword, Spear and her dog.

Personality: Elendu is strong and beautiful. She loves animals. She is very passionate about her country. She loves to ride her horse Amariel. Her dog, Horthien, has saved her life numerous times. She can fight better than even Eowyn, the Shield Maiden of Rohan.

Appearance: She is tall with light brown hair that is worn in braids when working or in battle. When she is doing something other than these two activities, she wears it down. Here hair is wavy. She has blue eyes that turn purple when she is reading someone's mind (see powers). Her favorite color is green, blue, burgundy, and white.


Elendu’s father is a general of Rohan and her mother is from Mirkwood. She grew up in Rohan. She is 17 when Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Gandalf come to Edoras. She is Eowyn’s maid and best friend.

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