Race: Man
Height: 5'11
Age: 19
Family: Father: Abrrah, Brother:Ralah (dead)
Animals: horse - Fyn
Weapons: sword and armor of Rohan

Personality: Elijah is the youngest Rider of Rohan, and loves it. He is fairly easy-going and quiet at most points...but tends to over-worry about some things. He's very trustworthy and compassionate towards different races--be them Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit or occasionally orc. He pities those who do wrong, and end up paying the prince...

Appearance: Bears proudly the garb and armor of the Men and Riders of Rohan, in Edoras. He has light blondish-brown hair, which is uneven and shorter than most men's hair; straggling at his chin and just below. He has green eyes, and is youthful looking. Elijah has a scar on his chest and another on his back.


Son of Abrrah, Elijah was born on Rohan, fairly unwanted into his family.
Although his mother died in childbirth, and father hardly ever spoke to him–Elijah formed a very close bond with his older brother, Ralah.
Abbrah became an alcoholic after his wife died…and took out his rages on Elijah. He was usually protected by Ralah–except when Ralah wasn’t there to protect Elijah. One night, Abrrah came home to see Elijah alone, at the age of seven. He tried to beat Elijah–and he tried to run. Abrrah caught him, and cut his back with a dagger. Elijah continued to struggle…but being only the age of seven, his father managed to stab him in the chest as well. Ralah came home before anything more happened–and tended to Elijah as best he could.
Elijah now has a scar/puncture wound on his chest, and a scar on his back.

The horrific day came, when Elijah,15, recieved word that his brother had been killed. After that, his father Abrrah–barely spoke two words at all to anyone, let alone Elijah. He grew weary of being ignored and disliked by his father.
Elijah, finally gathering up the courage, rode closer to Edoras at 19–trying to escape the memories of his past life. He caught the attention of the Riders of Rohan fairly quickly, and was recruited by them. In a few months, he was admitted–as the youngst Rider ever to be accepted.
Proud of his accomplishment, Elijah spends his days with the other Riders, still learning as he goes, and doing a fair bit of traveling. Elijah really never got over the loss of his brother Ralah–and never will. He keeps his emotions in check; trying to forget. He feels guilty for leaving his father…having not spoken with him since. He feels guilty at the fact that he never gets a chance to visit his brother’s grave…..but that takes him to close to home.

A place he would rather not remember.

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