Race: Human
Height: 5'5"
Age: 16
Family: Riders of Peace
Animals: Chance, horse
Weapons: sword

Personality: Elleth comes from the somewhat empty country side of Enedwaith, were her family is portrolling the country side. She is firy and spontanious. She can fight a good fight and take out 6 orc in few strides. She doesn't like injustice and will fight for the good of the weak. She also is a believer in God and reads the bible in her spare time.

Appearance: Elleth has dark brown hair and brown eyes. She is tall and skinny and has a fair complection. She wears riding clothing a lot. She wears colors of earth tones and usually changes her colors with the seasons. Her cloak is usaully dark gray and she wears leather riding boots. Her horse is a palomino with white mane and tail. Her horse is 15.2 hands tall and is 4 years old.


Elleth was raised with horses and was trained to ride and fight. She became the family member of Riders of Peace who travel around to protect free men of middle earth. Just resently she went off on her own to start her own riders of protection in the fields of Rohan.

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