Gender: 2
Race: Half-elf
Height: 5'7"
Age: ~1,500
Family: Mother -- Silvan Elf named Aewen; father -- human, name and origin unknown
Animals: Horse -- Faenon
Weapons: Short sword and composite bow

Personality: Ellothiel is very cool and quiet; she tends to keep to herself. She is very calm, and does not anger easy. She appears to be somewhat emotionless, and people who do not know her well may think that she is cold and somewhat arrogant; however, once she gets to know someone and opens up to them she is quite light-hearted.

Appearance: She is of medium-height, with a thin, willowy figure. She has long, straight black hair, fair skin, and light amber-green eyes. She dresses in natural colors fitting for the fact that she moves around a lot and is good at scouting and tracking; she wears dark brown boots, light brown leggings, a short-sleeved white blouse, and a moss-green tunic that is belted at the waist and falls to about mid-thigh. She wears a set of light leather armor.


She was raised in Lothlorien, her mother being an elf from there. Her father died when she was very young, and she has no memory of him, nor does she know his name or where he was from. Being a half-elf she has the choice between mortality or immortality; she chose her destiny to be that of the elves.

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