Race: Hobbit
Height: 3'2
Age: 61
Family: Brockhouse
Weapons: Galadrium bow

Personality: Very Elvish demenor, with undeniable Hobbit instincts. Very proud of her Elvish upbringing, very senstivie about her Hobbit heritage.

Appearance: Bright red hair and fierce blue eyes. Swift and quiet, she generally wears a long grey cloak and high boots. Riding pants and a silken blouse.


In 1296, Hildifons Took settled in bree with Nanaphinel Sandheaver. In 1305 Nanaphinel gave birth to a son, Yorigard. And in 1310 Hildifons and Nanaphinel had a daughter, Anaphinel. In 1345 Anaphinel married Marcanbras Brockhouse. Around 1358, the couple headed for the Misty Mountains, without explaining the reason for their departure they proclaimed they would return in 4 years. They were never seen again.

In 1360, a basket carrying a Hobbit child was found floating downstream in the Forest River. Indoran, a Wood Elf of Rhovanion picked it up and took it into the forest. Many weeks spent searching for the child’s family proved unsuccessful. The child was then brought up by Indoran and his wife Unruyn. They named the little Hobbit Emanyiale Silvanshire, a Wood Elf of the Shire.

When Emanyiale turned 57, the Wood Elves began their journey to the Grey Havens. She could not go. Her Elven parents urged her to travel West and be with her true kind. They took her as far as Rivendell, where sheswore to them she would make her way to the Shire. So they could go on with their kin and not stay behind. She was allowed to stay in Rivendell for as long as she wished. Once there, Emanyiale was able to begin searching for her past. For 3 years she searched all over the country for information. Finally, in Bree she was able to piece together her history.

According to a Ranger, Anaphinel and Marcanbras Brockhouse were killed by a troll. Severely injured, Anaphinel was able to make it to the river before she died. These were the only Hobbits to have disappeared since anyone in town could remember. And some said that Emanyiale bore a striking resemblance to Anaphinel. The Ranger was always unsure as to why Ana crawled to the bank, with Emanyiale’s story it is now assumed it was to released the basket carrying her child into the water and out of harm’s way.


Hildifons Took = Nanaphinel Sandheaver
l—-> Yorigard (no marriage/children)
l—-> Anaphinel = Marcanbras Brockhouse
l—–> Emanyiale Silvanshire (her birthname is unknown)

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