Gender: 2
Race: Man
Height: ....bout 6' 1
Age: ...lets say 31....
Family: father, Éomund - deceased, mother - deceased, sister, Éowyn
Animals: horse, Bréohl
Weapons: bow and arrow, sword, two hidded daggers

Personality: Tough and strong, Éomer relies on what he knows to be true rather than something he may even wish to be real. He serves only his uncle, Théoden King of Rohan, and lives to love and protect his beloved sister, Éowyn. Loyal to his company of riders, whom he has literally lived all his life with

Appearance: Long blonde hair that reaches just below his shoulders. Dark brown eyes that only trust those he deems worthy. Rarely seen in anything other than his leather Rohirric haubark and chain mail. Helmet with a white horse tail that signifies his rank and where he comes from. Tall and strong, a symbol of strength among the people of Rohan.


Éomer is was third in line to the throne of Rohan, next to Théodred, son of Théodon. His father, Éomund, was killed in an orc raid and his mother by a natural disease when he and his sister were very young. His father lived longer, but not by much. Since the death of his parents, he grew up more quickly than perhaps he should have, assuming the role of protecter of his small family, which now consisted of only his sister, Éowyn, White Lady of Rohan. He now rides with his own company of Rohirrim, protecting his lands.

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