Gender: 2
Race: Sylvan Elf
Height: 6'5
Age: Immortal (2,789)
Family: Mother- Solarís, Father-Oridor, two brothers- Ëoenas, Galantilë
Animals: White gallant stallion named Arodas.
Weapons: A long wooden bow, and two elvish daggers. Was also given a broadsword as a gift, but hardly ever wields it.

Personality: Ëorlas is a very tranquil elf. He doesn't speak often because he is usually lost in miles of deep thoughts and likes to go far away from everyone else so he can think. Ëorlas, most of the time lets his actions speak for themselves. He tries to be optimistic under any circumstance and tries to set good examples for others. Among other things though, if he comes across strangers he is usually friendly with them, but he has become to develope a strong disliking in Men. A part from his earthly personality, Men to him seem to be rude and unsophisticated, but he is still friendly toward them. In most cases he will ignore any confrontation with a Human unless it is neccessary. He has also become to love singing, but is very shy about it, and never sings in the presence of others.

Appearance: Ëorlas is very tall elegant and slender. His hands are long and graceful just like his legs. He has high cheek bones and fair, soft porcelain skin that glimmers in the sunlight like any other woodland elf. Many say he looks like his distant cousin, and prince of Mirkwood, Legolas. His hair is a soft platnuim blonde that reaches just below his shoulder blades, and his big deep blue eyes are said to be mesmorizing. They have a sort of power to them, unlike a lot of other elves eyes. Once described by another's perception as deep pools of the ocean's blue innocent tide, captivating the sunlight upon which they gracefully glimmer. The eternal sparkle that flickers within has a cheerful aura of great wisdom and understanding that I can't seem to tear my gaze from.


Ëorlas was born at the mid-begginings of the Third Age after his two older brothers, Ëoenas and Galirail. He was born into a very large family that is linked to royalty, but is very distant. He fell in love with travelling when his two brothers brought him on a journey to the Anduin. Ever since then he spends most of his time travelling, curious to see new lands. He would often go back to Mirkwood for visits, but as he got older he visited his family less and less. He would often send them letters telling of his recent journey’s and his favorite person to write to was his cousin Evethire. He had a lot in common with his slightly older cousin and they shared stories quite often. After spending a year or so at home, Ëorlas set out again. This time he made for Dol Armoth and there, he met his best friend Aireon.

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