Gender: 1
Race: Men
Height: 6'2
Age: 24
Family: Mother, Father, 2 Sisters, Brother
Animals: Horse named Regolf
Weapons: Sword, Shield, Throwin spear

Personality: He is a fairly hard person, hardened by his 6 years as one of the Rohirrim, but he is a vey just person.

Appearance: He is very tall and is dressed in the leather jerkin of a Rider of Rohan with typical blonde hair and fair skin of his people.


He was a rider in the War of the Ring, due to his heroic actions on the fields of Pellenor he was promoted to a Captain of the Rohirrim, but very recently he was discharged from the Rohirrim for reasons undisclosed by the king he now wanders the bad lands between Harad and Rohan trying to atone for a crime he didn’t know he commited.

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