Gender: 2
Race: Man
Height: 5'6
Age: 25
Family: None
Animals: A White Horse named Serenity
Weapons: A Sword & Dagger

Personality: Estel is adventuourus and kind to others. She sometimes likes to get her own way.

Appearance: Estel has long dark brown hair and hazel blue eyes. She wears a beautiful white dress.


Estel grew up in Gondor with no siblings. She has always been told stories of the great kings and stewards of Gondor. When she turned 10, she learned about the history of Gondor and what happened. She has also learned on how to become a maiden of Gondor by her good mother, Rilessa Ralener. Estel respected her mother and father a lot and would sometimes obey them. She also learned how to swordfight, and how to work a bow and arrow.

When she turned 18 though, her father and mother died during the war of the ring. Her father was killed by an orc and so did her mother, whole she was trying to run away from theem. Estel was saddened by this event, and she had to try to live by herself and keep the house neat. She also had to learn the rest of her skills by herself on how to swordfight. By the time she was 20 years of age, she knew how to fight. Estel Ralener is now 25, and sucessfully living at her house, where her parents used to live.

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