Race: Man
Height: 6'
Age: 32 years
Family: his family consisted of himself, his two brothers, and parents-- but he has lost contact with them
Animals: a war horse (if the horse ever had a name, Fakis has long since forgotten it).
Weapons: a longsword and a dagger

Personality: Fakis likes to be in control, likes to feel powerful. He often loses his temper; he's not very good at keeping his anger in check. He is proud and will not tolerate any insults. He likes to picture himeslf as the leader of a feared and dreaded army-- and he wears a long black cape, with the hopes that it will make him look powerful and dangerous. He despises Elves, because he is jealous of them.

Appearance: He is tall and very strong, with black hair (no beard or mustache). His smile-- when he does smile-- is cruel, and his brown eyes are filled with greed and hatred. He wears heavy armor all the time, which is not particularly fancy, but provides good protection. His leather boots go up to his knees. His sword, which he is very proud of, was made in Gondor. Its blade is straight and the sword is very heavy.


Fakis was born in Gondor, though if anyone begins to talk to him about his homeland, he usually snaps at them and changes the subject. When he was very young, he pictured himself throwing down Sauron, bringing peace and happiness to the Free Peoples. However, when he saw the power that Sauron possessed, his ideas quickly changed, and he turned on the Free Peoples, his family, his homeland, and his friends, choosing to follow evil ways. He hoped that, by following evil, he would gain fame and power, as well as respect (by making people fear him). He did manage to get many soldiers to work for him, but most were killed in the War of the Ring. He hopes to recruit more soldiers, and have a bigger army than he had before.

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