Gender: 1
Race: Dwarf/Elf
Height: 5'1
Age: Around 70 by end of TA
Family: Azul his father, Elgi his sister, and Nin, his mother
Animals: A young mare with dappled grey coloring, with white and grey mingled mane and tail. Sturdy enough for his weight, limber enough for speedy travel, and short enough for him to actually mount her.
Weapons: Laeglor (‘sharp gold’) a very long, slender sword with bronze hilt, studded in pearls. Blade slightly gold tinted with runic inscriptions down the side. It was given to him by Mitheldir, who inherited it from his father in Eregion. He carries this strapped to his back. He also wears two throwing axes at his hips, and a small Elven knife strapped at his lower leg.

Personality: Like a typical dwarf he can be short tempered and gruff, yet this is greatly overshadowed by his other, softer charicteristics. For the most part he is very distant and quiet among his own kind. He does not know how to interact with Dwarves, feeling like an imposter in his own body. Neither race wants to accept him as their own, and this has caused him to feel utterly alone at times, making him moody and distrustful. But among the more Dwarf-friendly varieties of Elf he can be quite noble and kind. He can appear as regal as a young lord or as dust laden and feral as a wild animal. He has the strong desire to be not both but one or the other – or more accurately he wishes to be fully Elven. It has been such an ache in his heart, belonging to no race, that he has actually buried the sorrow away to keep from going mad.

Appearance: Hair is white-blonde, thick and straight and falling to the small of his back. Occasionally he will plait the strands around his face into long braids that fall over his shoulders. Eyes a shining grey-blue. Shoulders are broad and limbs immensely strong, face lean, smooth, and young. His skin is light for a dwarf, with an overall golden sheen. Tattoos of tribal design, delicate Tengwar script and runic symbols grace his upper arm and chest. He periodically shaves off his beard and moustache. especially when he plans to spend time among or nearby to Elves. He also wears a strange mixture of Elven and Dwarf clothing and armor.


His family lived in a small home delved into the side of a cliff face, near the Lonely Mountain. For many years Farin did not understand why his family chose to live apart from the other Dwarves, and why his parents had a subtle disliking for whom Farin believed to be their own kin. In truth he was -not- kin to the Dwarves of Erebor. His fathers great great great grandfather had lived in Eregion and had been a rich trader in that land, one of the few Dwarves who actually enjoyed the company of the Elves there. He chose the live among them permanently, abandoning his Moria residence. He learned the Elven tongue as if he was born into it, and his clothing reflected the Sindarin fashions of the time. He became well-loved and many dwarf woman went to him for his hand in marriage, but he accepted none of them. Rather his heart was given to that of a young Elf-woman named Inwetari – and some say (although neither race would ever admit it) that the maiden loved him equally so. They were together all the time, and she learned the Dwarf language from him, even asking her father if she could dwell with him as an apprentice. Of course her father was mortified – for he was of Noldorin blood and did not wish his daughter to have contact with dwarves more than was necessary. He forbad her to see him – and the young dwarf grew sad and despondent. She was his light, his love, and although he had not admitted this to her, she was the reason he chose to live in Eregion.
Soon after this both Inwetari and the Dwarf disappeared, and were never seen again. Her father looked for her, but he was so embarrassed by the thought of her running off with a dwarf that he let her go, and she was forgotten, and her tale is told by none in later days ..
Some years later a lone dwarf appeared in Eregion, and his appearance shocked the entire community. He was at least a foot taller than any dwarf ever recorded by their kind, and his fair hair was silky and smooth and fell to the small of his waist. His build was very strong and broad, and indeed he looked Dwarvish to the eyes of human or Elf, but any Dwarf could tell there was something quite ‘off’ about him. He was too slender, too fair of face. Yet it was his eyes that were the strangest, for they were large and expressive and pale blue-grey. He called himself Frerin.
For many years he lived alone, trading and mining until he had amassed a small wealth of his own. He never spoke of his past or where he had come from, and most people either ignored him or treated him as a sort of stray dog – showing kindness only when necessary, naming him as a friend, but otherwise letting him on his own. He was indeed kind for the most part and friendly, and eventually won the love of a Dwarf princess of the royal house of Thorin II Oakenshield. Even though their love was looked down upon, their marriage was permitted. She joined his house and they had many children, all of them seeming to bear the characteristics of their father. Their children had children of their own, and each generation grew more Dwarf-like as the years passed.
In the year 2770 TA, Smaug attacked the Lonely Mountain. Azul was able to escape and with his wife and child (Farin was not yet born) came to live in the Iron Hills. For a time they had peace, and prosperity returned to the family.
Farin was born on 2941 TA on a night of many stars. From the moment of his birth one could tell that he had inherited the looks of his mysterious great great grandfather – it seemed that the generations of Dwarves between the two had never occurred, so alike in face and form did they appear. His hair was even lighter – a white-blonde in the sun and silvery in the moon. From the start he developed what others considered an unnatural affinity with anything Elvish, learning the tongues of the Sindarin Elves quicker than he mastered Khuzdul. Eventually he began to grow distant from his kin, usually spending time only with his mother (who had been the great grandchild of Frerin) who was well-versed the Elven lore she had managed to discover in her life. In time Farin grew to be immensly strong, and taller than all his fathers before him. Mining never appealed to him, rather he preferred the crafting of gems and metals into beautiful jewelry. Although this was his primary occupation, he spent all of his free time in the weaving of poetry and music. His favorite instrument was the Elvish dulcimer, having acquired one from trade between Mirkwood and the Iron Hills. He mastered it swiftly, and from the halls of his home one could hear the drifting melodies of Elven music.
When he still quite young he realized he would never quite fit in with the people of the Iron Hills. He had been thinking of setting out on the road for some time, and when his mother died the decision was finalized. Nin was his only real link to Elf-kind, and without her love and guidance he felt utterly alone. In his fortieth year he departed that mountainous land and headed for the wild regions, letting his feet wander where they would. In time he came to meet a traveling company of Elves. They were Sindarin, and were friendly towards dwarves as they had been part of the folk of Eregion in ancient days. They allowed him to travel for a long time with them, in fact, in his desire to emulate them, he shaved his beard and wore Elven clothing. They even gave him a new name: Elvellon, or ‘elf-friend’. He had a friend named Mitheldir who was kind as a brother to him, and treated him as so. They went everywhere together, and eventually a secret love blossomed between the two. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to those two, and yet they both knew that others would find it disturbing and uncomforatable. Taboo.
But eventually the Elves traveled to the Havens. Mitheldir begged Cirdan that the dwarf should be admitted and his wishes were granted – but only for a limited time. Farin Elvellon was allowed to stay for one year – no longer. Mitheldir was deeply saddened, for his love was indeed true, yet he knew that he could not remain with a mortal, and a dwarf no less. It broke his heart and the whisper of the sea became a fear and an all consuming desire. He would stay in Middle-earth only until the year was over.
The year passed, and Farin was given supplies for several weeks. No orders were given to him, but he knew his welcome was over. He took his leave full of weary sadness, and bade his lover farewell.
Now he dwells here and there, never staying in one place for long. He has become somewhat of a ghost among his own people: indeed some do not even believe that he is a real person. His father has since died and besides his sister he is the last of his line. Lately he has dwelled in a small hut near the edges of Imladris. The Elves there know of him, and Elrond has permitted his presence there. But none speak to him, and friendless he has remained for many long years.

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