Gender: 1
Race: Peredhel- halfelven
Height: 5'11''
Age: three or four millenia
Family: none
Animals: falcon Morhith
Weapons: her sword Celebaglar and bow and arrows

Personality: Only talks when something near to her heart comes along, prefering to listen. Fiercelly loyal to anyone she befriends but they must prove themselves. Very knowledgable about battle strategy and very well book learned. Carries a dark face to hide her past, but loves playing jokes and listening to story-telling.

Appearance: Dark countenance and dark air about her. Long raven black hair falls to her knees but is pulled back tight against her head most of the time. A deep scar running down each cheek and several on her stomach and arms proves she is seasoned in battle. She has dark blue eyes that seem to always be searching for something. Rare is the smile that brightens her face.


Not much is known, being everyone she loved either taken from her or in Valinor. What she remembers is having a husband that when finding out she was half-elven took their only child, Morwen, and left her. Being yet young, she joined the guard of her home and began pouring everything into her training soon becoming so skilled she could beat her trainer who was no other than Glorfindel himself. After her home fell to Morgoth Feanar secretly left to find her child. Years she searched only to find her daughter did not recognize her and her once husband shunning her. She left dejected and heartbroken and joined the Rangers for awhile becoming friends with Aragorn, Elladan, and Elrohir. She soon tired of company and has been wandering on her own ever since, wishing and searching for someplace she can call home and where no one will shun her for being a female halfelven. She is often found in Imladris conversing with her friend Erestor or Glorfindel.

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