Race: Elf - Noldor and Teleri
Height: 5'11
Age: 500
Family: None (See history)
Animals: Fëasul, her trusty steed
Weapons: Highly skilled in archery and swordplay, carries a standard wood-elf bow and quiver, a long sword, and various daggers

Personality: A loner of regal bearing, with few friends. Extreme loyalty to those whom she loves. Very confident, quite arrogant, and stubborn, with a fierce temper. She cares nothing about the politics of the world, but will stand and fight valiantly beside her friends when the need arises. On the lighter side, she loves practical jokes

Appearance: Straight soft-red hair falls to her hips. It hangs loose yet is held back in a trellis of intricate braids. Her appearance is like that of a delicate porcelain doll, with a full mouth and large blue-green eyes, the color of the sea. She is slender, but feminine in build and very athletic. Her clothing is traditional wood-elf hunting gear - brown, and green, with silver beneath, tall soft boots and a guard on her left wrist.


The only child of Maglor, son of Fëanor, and Tellyanna, youngest child of Olwë. Her mother and father lived as exiles even after her birth. When she was 3, she witnessed as a band of orcs attacked her mother. Her father heard the struggle and killed the orcs, butTellyanna died of her wounds. Maglor felt sorry that Fëandra would be raised without a mother, so he took her to Mirkwood to live with Tellyanna’s kinfolk.
When she came of age, Fëandra befriended the brothers Elladan and Elrohir, and fought by their side learning all they could teach about the hunting of orcs. When her training was complete, she began the unending quest which has consumed her life – to find the 2 Silmarils lost by her father and uncle.
Battle credits include The Battle of Five Armies, The Last Bridge at Osgiliath, Helm’s Deep, and The Dol Guldur Assaults

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