Race: man/ent
Height: 6'2
Age: 156
Family: umm Illuvatar i guess
Weapons: a wooden staff and fists

Personality: he is very friendly to anyone who is kind to animals and trees his best friend is an ent named Oak but because he has never lived with a human family he is not exactically normal

Appearance: despite legends about him he does not look like a tree he is on the tall side very skinny from the lack of food has greenish brown hair, and dark green eyes his hair is long and straggely and his skin is pale from the lack of sunlight he also wears muddy brown either that or he wears white and it gets dirty


created by Illuvatar his odd combination of races helped him communicate with the forests, over the years in Fangorn forest he was met by travelers who where lost and got them out of the forests nowadays some people still decide to visit him

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