Gender: 2
Race: Human
Height: 6 foot 1 inches
Age: 20 years old
Family: Daughter of Faramir and Eowyn
Animals: Her Horse (Melira) and wolf (Silivren)
Weapons: Her bow(Taencû) and sword(Iaur).

Personality: Firiel is playful and quite cheerful. She has a bit of a sarcastic tongue and enjoys archery. She enjoiys to hear about different legends and lores from her father. She also has a fighting spirit as her mother. But she also believes that she will one day find her love as her parents had.

Appearance: Firiel has dark hair and dark blue eyes. She is quite tall and slim. She wears a small spiral shaped necklace. She wears the garb of the people of Ithilien. On travels she wears a sleevesless top, brown tights and a green cloak. She always has Taencû by her side. Her arrows have maroon feathers and her sword has elvish runes on it.


Firiel was born to Lord Faramir and Lady Eowyn in Ithilien. As a child, she would stay with Eowyn while Faramir would go to Gondor. But after she was 15, she would accompany Faramir to Gondor and there met Merry, Pippin and Lord Aragorn and Queen Arwen. She was also given the title of ” Calenglîn(Green Glint)” because of her eyes. They would glint with a green in the sun. She became friends with Pippin and Merry and when she was 18, went to the Shire to stay there for sometime. She would then often journey to the Shire and has not fought in any major wars.

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