Race: human
Height: 5'10
Age: 15
Family: Normal average 21st century people
Animals: His companion and friend Kuma the white bear
Weapons: as of yet none

Personality: Like any teen from the 21st century, restless, rebelious, and not very happy about his life till he found a strange white ring and Kuma the white bear showed up telling him he wasn't supposed to be in his world. Gara is hot headed and confident, but in times of crisis he can always be counted as someone who thinks things through. In school Gara was shunned because of his violent tendencies and his downright ability to seperate him from others.

Appearance: Gara is average height for his age and tends to dress in all white being its his favorite color, he has emerald green eyes and olive skin.


Gara is a native to San Diego California, his mother was Japanese by birth and his father a navy seal placed in Japan as a crewman on board his ship. His father died in a war shortly after his death and his mother shortly after that when she was stabbed to death by a mugger. He was raised by his drunken uncle who beat him till he met Mr. Gerenhol a zoologist who offered to adopt him from his uncles care after the man was arrested for child abuse. He soom after found his ring at the beach in a relativly deep tide pool buried in seaweed.

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