Gender: 2
Race: orc
Height: 5' something....
Age: not very old, who's counting?
Family: orcs...i guess?
Animals: walks most of the time, but sometimes he goes warg
Weapons: A sword, crossbow, and lot's of small hidden daggers

Personality: Cruel, cunning and sneaky. He has never trusted anybody, and probably never will. The only way he is honorable is the fact that he won't knife anybody that is on his side in a fight. At least untill after the fight is done. Makes a good villan for boring posts.

Appearance: Well, he is an orc, so he's pretty ugly. Wears a huge cloak almost always, so the hood shadows his face. Does not talk often to disguise his voice.


Somehow escaped from Gorgoroth at a very young age. Found by a Gondorian Ranger, who helped him as a child in secret. The ranger was killed by orcs in Osgiliath, so Ghash is now a wanderer.

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