Gender: 1
Race: Elf
Age: 683
Family: noldorian parents, two sisters, one brother (all younger)
Animals: a great black stallion (Gwaeroch)
Weapons: Sword (made by his grandfather's grandfather in Tirion) , Bow (inheirited from his grandfather, who died in Gondolin), small elven Dragger

Personality: Gil-Taur's father is a commander in Lord Elrond's army, so that the young elf is very well trained and educated, but he lacks the experience and wisdom that only high age can bring. He loves horses and woods. If he is at home, he likes to ride to a clearing and sing under the stars with friends and often his sisters and brother in warm summer nights.

Appearance: The young elf is tall and has dark brown hair. He usually wears an elven grey-green cloak over fine clothes or occasionally an armour. He moves swiftly and his eyes shine bright. When not at a safe place, he always carries a little bag at his girdle, containing some items which can be useful in bad situations: a tiny bottle of miruvor, some pieces of lembas, a piece of cloth for bandages or similar things and a little knive (not big enough as a weapon, but a useful tool).


Gil-Taur’s family is completely noldorian, exept his mother’s father, who came from Doriath. His father’s father died in Gondolin, but the other family members escaped with Tuor and Idril.
Exept Gil-Taur’s parents and those of their children who were born at that time, the whole whole family sailed west just fifty years after he was born.
Since his birth he had lived in Rivendell, although he often travels somewere else.

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