Gender: 2
Race: Elf
Height: 5' 8'
Age: 170
Family: Brothers: Anendel(killed at Helm's Deep), Anarin(Lothlorien). Father: Rumil, Mother: Uruviel
Animals: None in particular but connects very well to horses.
Weapons: Lorien Longbow/arrows, Gondorian Longsword, Rohirrim Dagger.

Personality: Reserved. Fierce in battle. Sometimes quick to jump to anger. Intolerent of evil or treason. Quick to serve justice. Tries to be compassionate.

Appearance: Tall, slender frame. Shocking green eyes. High cheek bones and prominent points of focus. Straight, black hair, often in braid to keep it out of the way during battle. Dignified face...normal of all elves. Walks proudly.


Giliath was born to the elves Rumil and Uruviel. She grew up with her older brothers teaching her the ways of elven battle. Her hero was her uncle Haldir, and she was torn apart by his death at Helm’s Deep along with one of her beloved brothers, Anendel. After the news came of Haldir and Anendel’s death, Giliath set out on her own. She knew of the mission to destroy the Ring and wanted to be a part of it. She went to Minas Tirith. She fought beside the men when the orcs of Mordor sieged the city. Watched as the Rohirrim came to save the day. She marched with the few to the Black Gate and watched the destruction of Sauron. Now, Aragorn was king of Gondor and the Fellowship she had heard about was disbanded. So, she travels around, often searching to speak with those who knew the members personally.

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