Gender: 2
Race: Elven
Height: 6"2
Age: 2910
Family: Mother-Silelen, Father-Mangil, Sister-Luinwen
Animals: Horse-Nimril
Weapons: Bow and arrows, sword

Personality: Very like to Menelwen, though perhaps braver in his jokes and more fierce in battle, though no more deadly. He worries sometimes, and it may take a lot to cheer him again, but most of the Lorien Elves adore him and smile when they speak of him. Gilsimir is regarded as an asset to any company he is in-both for his constant humour and his skill. One in particular that would attempt no long journey without him is Lord Celeborn, who loves the rediculous Elf like a son.

Appearance: Tall, very dark haired and blue-eyed. He is very strongly built, but is swift, careful and nimble in his movements. Gilsimir is largely considered by many to be most handsome, and while it has not brought with it any arrogance, he does joke a lot about it and seems to find the whole matter of having the ladies love him quite hilarious.


A member of the Guardians of Lorien, Gilsimir was eventually allowed to follow his heart and travel Middle-Earth helping those who needed it. This period lasted for nearly 500 years, though he always came back to visit frequently, desiring to look upon the faces of his friends and loved ones. He has been admitted back into the Guardians’ legion, but he is often used as a messenger, and sent to many places. Perhaps his greatest deed was clearing his friend Narlos of a falsely accused crime.
Very little is known of this proud Elf’s early heritage. It is said by some that his first ancestors of his father’s side were destroyed by a fell beast of Morgoth, and their children were fostered. When they had grown, they wandered far in search of lost identity, coming eventually among the Nandor. This seems to be the truth, as evidence among the Nandor suggests that two unknown Elves arrived among them one day, unannouced and uninvited, from far-off lands. The lady married, and it would seem that this is where Gilsimir’s line began. The man was ill at ease among the Nandor, and left back over the Misty Mountains, never to be heard from again.
Sometime in the mid to late second age, Gilsimir’s grandparents arrived in Lothlorien, and were granted residency. His father was born in Lothlorien.
On his mother’s side, records show little before her ancestors came to Lorien behind Celeborn and Galadriel.
None of his line participated in the battle of the Last Alliance-as far as records show. Most of them have been content to stay in Lorien-content to ignore the world around them as much as possible. Gilsimir was quite a rarity, wishing to see what was left of the world.

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