Gender: 2
Race: Elf
Height: 1.90 cm
Age: 2,715
Family: Mother-Donhelediel. Father-Carandolion. Married to Legolas.
Animals: A white horse-Galad
Weapons: Bow and Arrow

Personality: Giritheldaiel is very dark due to her past (see history). She sometimes wish to be alone and quietly. Loyal to her friends, when she gets any. She doesn't smile a lot, yet quite happy. Gets angry quickly.

Appearance: Black, long hair. Deep Blue eyes, like a very deep ocean. Very pale skin, almost white. Another thing that is a part of her look is a jewel, sort of like a crown, on her head. It is shinny white, and in its front there is a green leaf. She usually wears green dresses and when she's travelling she's dressed in brown leather trousers and a golf dark green shirt made from some light but strong fabric. Always has leather black boots and a green travelling cloack.


Giritheldaiel was born in Mirkwood. When she was only very young her father died in a hunt mission. When she was a teenager, she was kidnapped to Mordor. She was enslaved to Sauron for almost 5 years, when Legolas saved her by giving her back the crown jewel. She then left Mordor and reached the Shire, where she met her best friend, Tildy. Legolas was allways her love, although they fought a lot.

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