Race: Human
Height: 5'3
Age: Over 70 (she won't admit more than that. ^__~)
Family: None
Animals: None
Weapons: a sword when it's needed; Kaidah seldom fights anymore.

Personality: Giwen is a stern, commanding leader whose respect and praise are hard to earn. She cares very much for her band of outcasts and wishes to see them have a good life. Giwen is somewhat grumpy at times; she is very sarcastic and not above using insults to get her point across. Giwen is the sort of person who demands respect (and usually gets it). Although stern, her softer side sometimes shines through. She has a lot of wisdom, but also a lot of weariness.

Appearance: Giwen has faded grey hair that is usually pulled back and her skin is slightly yellowed by age. She has hazel eyes and a wiry build. She wears men's clothes often; leggings tunic and sometimes a hood and cloak.


Giwen has been a wandering warrior since she was a young girl. She has been all over Middle-Earth in her lifetime; even traveling through the Northern Wastes past Rivendell.

Kaidah claims no people to be her own, but it is rumored that she might have Dunedain blood in her or at least some remant of Numenor in her viens.

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