Race: Race of man
Height: 4' 9
Age: deceased @ 80
Family: daughter: Whitewolfsong
Weapons: unknown to her daughter she was a bit skilled in Archery (taught to her by Aruin)

Personality: Gladwyn was a fiery, independant young woman (which was greatly frowned upon by the people of her village)

Appearance: Dark hair, olive skin. Very petite and pretty.


Gladwyn grew up in the village of Marsh’s End on the Greyflood river, a bit downstream from the ruins of Tharbad. Her family has a long history of being the healers of their village. Originally, her ancestors were from Tharbad on the Greyflood river. When Tharbad was destroyed by a great flood in the year 2912 of the 3rd Age, her ancestor settled in the village of Marsh’s End. This ancestor was a great healer and was, therefore, accepted into the village despite his Númenorean blood. Gladwyn’s family remained the healers of her people from then on, becoming integrated into the village. Hence she is of mixed Núnmenorean and Dúndlending blood. The villagers of Marsh’s End have always had a mistrust of the Elves which bordered on hatred. They are a very paternalistic people who retain much of their tribal ways from before their people settled in a permanent village. Women are seen as seen as the servants of men and are expected to do as they are told. Gladwyn’s family is highly respected due to her father’s status as Healer. Since he had no sons, he taught Gladwyn the art of healing despite the objections of the men of the Village Council. This–coupled with her natural hard-headedness 😉 –allowed Gladwyn to grow up enjoying more independance than the other girls of her village. When the Head Chief of the village council asked for Gladwyn to be married to his eldest son, her father agreed, knowing that it would insure that Gladwyn’s status as Healer would never be challenged. This put Gladwyn into a rage, but her father’s mind was set on the matter. She waited until the night before the planned wedding, then she gathered a few supplies, stole her father’s horse and snuck away from her village. She traveled blindly away from her village and eventually made her way to live among the Elves….

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