Race: elf
Height: 6'4"
Age: 620
Family: wife, Celene Lothariel, daughter, Mialee
Weapons: Silver rapier

Personality: Glaedar is light-hearted and gay, and always looks on the bright side of everything.

Appearance: Think a dark-haired Legolas, with a goatee.


Glaedar was born in Mirkwood to a common elven maid, named Telariel. By some chance he happened to be hiking through the Firien Wood when Firien’s Princess Celene, daughter of the famed Queen Guruthiel, was passing on horseback, accompanied by several retainers. He took the chance to speak to the Queen, and soon they were married. Their daughter Mialee was born about one hundred years later. Long after that, Glaedar contracted a bizzare disease which caused him to speak only in rhyming couplets. He was eventually cured of the disease, but now seems to have had a relapse.

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