Gender: 2
Race: Elf
Height: 6'
Age: 584
Family: Lindarion (younger brother), Alassieth (younger sister)
Animals: Horse: 'Naru'
Weapons: bow, sword, short dagger

Personality: Glaedon is rather outspoken. He also has an ironic sense of humor, and will often argue just for the sake of arguing. Usually, he is slow to become angry, but, when angered, has a fiery temper which, combined with his outspokeness, can get him into trouble.

Appearance: Blond hair, blue eyes. He is about 6' tall, slim, and wears typical elven 'warrior' clothing. He carries a bow, sword, and a short dagger. Normally, his hair is braided in the typical 'warrior-style' of Lothlorien.


He is a ‘typical’ elven warrior, with elven skill at bow and sword. He was born in Lorien, and helps guard the Lothlorien border.

Glaedon also has had training as a tracker, and is a good hunter.

He rides a bay stallion named ‘Naru’ (which means ‘Red’).

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