Race: Dunedain
Height: 5'5
Age: 40
Family: mother named Gilraen and brother named Araglar
Weapons: 2 daggers and a bow

Personality: Polite and courteous with strangers, but not apt to talk too long for she prefers to get right to the meat of things instead of small talk. She carries herself with an air of nobility, which some people interrpret as being stuck up. Those who know her find her to be very kind and helpful. Her family means the most to her. She will not take kindly to those insulting them. Her voice is deeper than would be expected from such a small frame and carries a robust confidence. Occasionally, she ventures into the wilds to hunt with her brother, but she prefers to stay at home and take care of day-to-day needs.

Appearance: She has long blonde hair, a strand of which she likes to wear in a braid. Most of the time she ties the braid with just a piece of string, but on special occasions she will use a colored ribbon. Meeting the gaze of her hazel eyes has caused others to feel uncomfortable, as if they are below her. Her complexion is fair from being indoors most of the time. On occasion, she wears a blue elvish shirt and skirt that was a gift. In town, she will usually be spotted in a plain brown cotton dress. In the wilds, she tends to wear leather armor (boots, gloves, pants), a brown or green cotton shirt, and a thick, long brown cloak. Her fingers are long and slender like her mother's, but are callused.


She has been taught to hunt, cook, sew, and craft by her family from a young age, so she could take care of herself if need be.

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