Gender: 2
Race: Elf
Height: 5 feet, 8 inches
Age: 1,826 years
Family: Gaear (father), Minuial (late mother)
Animals: Rin, a white mare
Weapons: none

Personality: When friends think of Glireth, they are always reminded of sunshine and music. She is a sweet, loving, golden-hearted young maiden, always with a smile or a song on her lips. Her innocent and childlike ways are what make her so endearing. Some people think of her as naive and easy to fool or bring down, but actually she is strong in both mind and spirit, and she fears almost nothing. Glireth has no experience or knowledge in combat whatsoever, for she has neither the skill or interest in such things. Her greatest joy lies in music and nature, and she is quick to see the beauty in all things around her.

Appearance: Glireth has deep green eyes and long golden hair that is always left free-flowing around her very pretty face. She is rather small and petite compared to the other she-elves, and her delicate build adds to her look of vulnerability. She loves to wear light, airy dresses with long flowing skirts, and no shoes. A flower is usually tucked over her left ear.


Glireth was born in Mirkwood, her mother’s home-realm. After her mother died however, she and her father moved back to Lothlorien where he grew up. There Glireth met Haldir and fell in love with him at first sight, though he took no notice of her since she seemed much too young and foolish for him at the time. It took hundreds of years before the Marchwarden was finally able to return her feelings, and now he loves her deeply in a way he never did any other maiden before.

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