Gender: 2
Race: Human
Height: 6'
Age: 21
Family: Brother: Ealdor; Sister: Indryhten
Animals: Chestnut brown stallion named 'Morgen'
Weapons: Sword, bow, knife

Personality: If his early life had gone 'otherwise', Gloedwine would have been an outgoing young man with a mischievous sense of humor. However, with the loss of his parents at an early age and the 'times' his people are living in, Gloedwine is a quiet, solemn person. He is an 'average' fighter, but rides extremely well - as all Rohirrim. He is intensely loyal to his older brother and sister, who (for the most part) 'raised' him.

Appearance: Tall, of average build, Gloedwine has the 'family' reddish-blond hair and hazel-green eyes. His hair is shorter than most Rohanian men, and he doesn't yet go bearded.


working on it!

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