Gender: 2
Race: Noldor
Height: 6' 2"
Age: very very old, actual age unknown
Family: unknown
Animals: Asfaloth - horse
Weapons: bow, sword

Personality: Glorfindel is kind and gentle, though his calm appearance overlies an age-old wisdom and excellent fighting and military skills. Little flusters him, and he can generally be relied on to provide a clever, sensible - and sensitive - solution to any problem brought to him by anyone in Imladris.

Appearance: Glorfindel is golden-haired and grey-eyed. His hair is long and normally held back off his face in simple braids. A calm smile is generally seen on his face.


Glorfindel was a Lord of the Noldor, who was first known of in Gondolin, as head of the House of the Golden Flower. He sacrificed himself to ensure the survival of Tuor and Idril when the party was attacked by one of Morgoth’s Balrogs during the Siege of Gondolin.

He fell to his death in Cirith Thoronath, but Thorondor, King of the Eagles, brought his body out of the abyss. He was then buried in a mound by the pass, where green grass and yellow flowers ever grew.

Throughout the Third Age he helped to protect Imladris, and in TA 1975 he led a force out to face the host of the Witch-king of Angmar. With the help of CĂ­rdan, the enemy’s host was destroyed. The Witch-king himself turned and fled at the sight of Glorfindel. At that time, he prophecised that the Witch-king would not be killed by the hand of a man.

Glorfindel was one of the most powerful elves alive at the time of the War of the Ring, and one of the few elves powerful enough to ride openly against the Ringwraiths. For that reason, he was sent in search of Aragorn and the hobbits when they were late in arriving at Imladris. He found them, and gave Frodo his horse, Asfaloth, to ride to Imladris. He then stayed with Aragorn and the other hobbits to fight off the Ringwraiths.

He was one of Elrond’s most trusted advisors, and was there at the Council of Elrond, when the fate of the One Ring was decided. He gave the council the only two choices of what to do with it: send it over the sea, or destroy it.

After the War of the Ring, he remained in Imladris, even after Elrond sailed to the West.

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