Gender: 1
Race: Elf (Noldorian father/Sindaria
Height: 6' 3''
Age: 125- 6459 (depends on the thread)
Family: wife - Rynwyn (post WOR), (adopted) sister - Ailia Ingold and daughter Kayla Ingold
Animals: Lechend (Elven Steed)
Weapons: His fathers sword, long bow

Personality: Following the death of his mother, Glorfindal is at first glance a quiet and reserved individual, who prefers to keep to himself. However those who have managed to get to close to him discover him to be extremely loyal, trustworthy and friend, who can be counted upon in times of great need. Glorfindal will never leave a compainion behind, nor abandon them even in the direst situation. To this end the friendships he forms, though few in number, run deep and the bond he shares with his closest allies and comrades is one that few will ever experience. After marrying Rynwyn Glorfindel finds his heart again, and even after so many trials he remains a steady father and husand.

Appearance: He is a tall and striking figure, with short length brown hair and a solumn face. He all too often shows hint of emotions or thoughts that are plagueing his mind, in fact by Elven standards he can be judged to be quite emotional. His eyes are a deep and striking blue, showing his kinship to the Elves of Aman. His is clad in the simple raiment of Sindarian Elves, grey and green, of a comfortable and durable cloth.


His father was an Elven Lord of the House of Fingolfin, who followed his lord back to the lands of Middle-earth in the Rebellion of the Noldor againist the Valar. In the land of Hithlum dwelt Glorfindal’s mother, a Sindarian Elf from the realm of Doriath. Shortly after the arrival of the Noldor she wedded the Noldorian Lord, and they dwelt in peace in the realm of Fingolfin.

Glorfindal was born in the year that the Eldar set up the Siege of Angband, while Beleriand was at peace. During his childhood Glorfindal was instructed in the ways of weapons by his father, at which he proved very skillful, but his had little liking for the smith work, prefering to learn the ways of the wilds of Middle-earth from his mother. He took a strong inerest in the arts of healing, and became highly skilled at bringing even the most severly wounded creature back from the brink of death. When he was old enough he joined the warriors of the Edain and the Elves protecting the borders of the land, and helping in the ceaseless watch upon Angband.

However the golden years of Glorfindal’s childhood came to an end when the Siege was broken and his father was slain in the Battle of the Sudden Flame. When his lord Fingolfin fell in single combat with the Dark One, Glorfindal, although still only young in the reckoning of the Elves swore alligance to King Fingon.

But at the King’s prayer he left Hithluim with a charge, as a guard for the King’s young son Gil-galad, with him went his mother, for she had no desire to be parted from her son. Therefore Glorfindal came to Falas, and remained there until the sack of the Haven, where he went, along with th survivors to the Isle of Balar. Glorfindal remained on Balar, in the service of Gil-galad and Cirdan the Shipwright, and fought loyally at their sides. His mother though, tiring of the Island, went to dwell by the mouths of the Sirion, to help the suvivors of Doriath and Gondolin. Glorfindal was loth to leave her side, but his duty bound him to remain with his lord.

His mother wrought much good at the Sirion’s mouths, becoming loved by all. But when the treacherous sons of Feanor came to their quiet santuary, demanding the Silmaril that ended forever. Glorfindal it chanced was there at the time, walking alone in the woods. Hearing the sounds of battle he ran to aid, thinking that the Orcs of Morgoth had come to finish this remenant of the Elves. The horror he witnessed shocked him to his soul. The merciless slaying of Elf by Elf, a kinslaying. Rallying many of the defenders to him, Glorfindal led a counter attack, driving the Sons back. He sought for his mother, and after a long time, he spied her in the trees ahead. She was shielding two young boys, but as she pleaded for mercy, she was struck down, her head hewn from her shoulders and her body trampled to the dirt.

At this a change came over Glorfindal, drawing his father’s sword he leapt through the trees and slew the Elves, his own kin. Then he went hither and thither slaying as many as a could find. But he could not save the young boys, who were bundled up and carried off.

Just before the ships of Cirdan and the High King Gil-galad arrived he spied a beautiful female elf, a shining light at her breast, a top the cliffs. He could also see the enemy pressing towards her, so he leapt in front snd held them back. When their assalt had abaited he turned and saw that she was gone, but a white bird rose from the waves below and sped of West.

After this Glorfindal renounced utterly his Noldorian heritage, but remained with King Gil-galad, for the sake of his oath to the House of Fingolfin. In the Second Age he went to Lindon with Gil-galad and fought againist Sauron, servant of Morgoth. But in the Last Alliance of Men and Elves, Gil-galad was slain by Sauron, and once more Glorfindal grieved for his loss. He dwelt still in Lindon, now a servant of Cirdan, but was allowed free rule of his own affairs. Whereas many of his kin are sailing into the West, Glorfindal remains. He has been seen far afield from Lindon, accross the wide plain of Eridor, even as far a field as Erebor and the Iron Hills, thwarting the devices of Sauron.
However, recent events have brought great chances to Glorfindel’s life. While journeying in Rohan he became embroiled in the murder of a young man called Reothed. Pledging his help to the young man’s sister, Fae, and her friend Ryn, the adventure took many twists and turns. During the course of these events, the Noldorian Lord fell for Ryn, and the two were wed a few years later.
But Glorfindel’s piece of mind could be guaranteed and he once again took to roaming the lands. On one exploit into Gondor, he met a warrior called Samen, and reencountered a familiar face in the form of Skyla, the assasain who had killed Reothed some years before. This time old rivalries were put aside as Glorfindel teamed up with them in a bid to stop a terrible evil, in the form of Krev of the Blue Flame, a ruthless order of trained assasains and skilled warriors. Krev’s plan was to raise hell on Middle-earth, but thanks to the combined efforts of Samen and his friends, he was thwarted.
Wishing to avoid detection from the Order, Samen credited Glorfindel with the defeat of Krev, and set out to reclaim his life. As for the elf, he returned to Ryn. Though his wanderings still continued. And it was on the most recent of these that troubled again arose, Samen again appeared, this time requesting Glorfindel’s protection from the vicious Blue Flame, led by Angelus, hell bent on revenge.
Now Glorfindel finds himself thrust into the line of fire once more, but this time Ryn too has become involved. Not only her, but Glorfindel’s old comrades Erestor and Skyla, as well as newcomers Amarie, Narya and Sarac. For Glorfindel these are times of trial, where he must use all his skills to protect the ones he loves, and everything he has worked so hard to build.
In the events leaving the dealings with the Order, Glorfindel’s mental state was shattered by events, particularly the culling of tortured Order members. The threat of war seems to grow everywhere he goes, now as a conscript rider in the eored of the Marshall of East Emnet. From here he is pulled into the furthest reaches of Gondor’s campaigns, facing new and deadly servants of the enemy, but all the while growing further away from his family. For a dark secret plays on his mind, a secret which could lead him to risk everything and all he has.

In later days Glorfindel is to be found farming the land in South Rohan, nigh to the White Mountains, with Ryn and Kayla.

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