Gender: 2
Race: Kellquenti Elf
Height: 6ft 1in
Age: Unknown (Young adult)
Family: Twin brother ,Castlyn
Animals: Silver grey war stallion named Sylstar
Weapons: Sword and daggers,rarely uses a bow.

Personality: Arrogant, proud, untrusting of other races .especially men. Cold ,calculating, with a vicious temper that flares easily. Has a powerful determination, and will never give in.

Appearance: Tall, very long raven dark hair, cold ice blue eyes. Slender, with a feline suppleness.Well toned muscles,due to his obsession with training in sword skills.


Glyndr is a very experienced Captain in the Elven army, he is dedicated,and fiercely loyal to his race and the army .
He does not suffer fools,and is feared by his subordinates.
His fighting skills honed to perfection, Glyndr is a deadly adversary.

He is the only surviving warrior of an ill fated regiment of Kellquenti Elves who were massacred in a battle against evil.
The Elves were outnumbered and many slain.
Glyndr still keeps the standard banner of his regiment, and the battle harness that his warhorse still wears into battle.

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