Race: Eagle
Height: Wingspand: 10 fathoms
Age: Old, but young for an eagle
Family: Gwaihir- Father
Animals: Umm... he is an animal...
Weapons: Talons, beak

Personality: Personality: Practical, but very compassinate He also feels responsible for those around him and those he has met. If a companion dies or is hurt, for whatever the reason, he feels that he caused it.

Appearance: Appearance: Snowy white with eyes so blue some of the elders say that it is like staring into the eyes of Manwe. In human form: Same eyes. Pale, white skin, a straight nose, over-sized hands, and bleach-blond hair that goes halfway down his neck


History: He is off on his “coming-of-age” test, which is roughly 100 years long where he is to discover his virtue that will guide his path (think kind of Native Americanish)

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