Gender: 2
Race: Wood elf
Height: quite small since he is still a young elfling
Age: 10 in mortal age(50 in elvish)
Family: his nana Titheniel died giving him birth, his ada Tinuon is missing, no one knows where he is
Animals: he has a small squirrel Berain which he treats as a friend, but it stayed in Lórien
Weapons: he has no normal weapons because he is simply to small to wield them.He has his small bow made for him by his father and he is very skilled in using it. He also has two small daggers hidden in each of his boots.

Personality: Gwanathon is very young and curious elfling, he wants to see and touch everything. He is energetic child who spends all his days outdoors running through trees or talking to animals. He is brave but has some fears (e.g. spiders). He is also charming and easily wins hearts of everybody he meets on his way. Gwanthon is smart, but does not enjoy learning for he thinks it is boring. Instead he loves listening to the long tales of old, especially those about warriors and battles, because he wants to become a warrior himself. Before his father disappeared he spent most of time with him travelling through the Middle Earth on different errands and trips. On his journeys he learnt to speak Westron. Gwanathon was very happy and friendly little elfling but since his adar’s disapperance he is closed in himself and his marry laughter is rarely heard.

Appearance: Gwanathon is small and thin. He is dressed in the way of Galadhrim, which means that his cloak, leggings and tunic are shadowy- gray. He has quite long pale blond hair which are usually bound in the way of Galadhrim so that they don’t obscure his vision. He has beautiful pale blue eyes.


Gwanathon was the only child of Titheniel and Tinuon. His nana died giving him birth so he only knew his ada. His ada was one of Galadhrim warriors, who very often travelled with messages from the Lord and Lady. He used to take his child with him unwilling to be parted with his son, especially since the elfling had no naneth. He taught his son how to fight with a bow. One day he went with two other Galadhrims on a scouting mission and none of them returned. No one knows what happened with him, so Gwanathon’s aunt and uncle took the elfling under their care. But the little one believes that his ada is somewhere there, in a distant land waiting for him so Gwanathon decided to go and search for him. He packed his small pack, took his bow and ran away from Lothlorien.

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