Race: Man
Height: 5.4'
Age: 32
Family: None
Animals: One horse that has no name.
Weapons: One sword, a dagger, and a bow

Personality: Gwaur will cheat, steal, lie, and then run. He has no truthfull bone in his body, nor does he have simpathy or compation for any other than himself. He is self centered, a complainer when he is with others. He has no backbone, unless he's protecting his store of money, stolen food, and other goods.

Appearance: Gwaur is rather short for a man of his age, he has greasy brown hair, and an unshaven face that is narrow and pointy. His teeth are yellowing from beer and smoke and less that good care. His nails are unclipped with dirt beneath them, and his dark green eyes are full of malcontent. He often crouches, and has no posture whatsoeve, unless of coarse his loot is threatened.


He was born in Rohan, but his father was a drunk and his mother died giving birth to him, so he raised himself, and to survive, without a caretaker, he learned to steal, lie, and cheat. He was finaly driven out of Rohan when he tried to steal from the kings kitchen, but he often returns there in disguise, for the people are vulnerable, and weak.

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