Race: German
Height: 5:2
Age: 16
Family: Father (high ranking nazi officer)

Personality: Hahn has a natural talent for language, and has mastered very good english. He would love to learn other languages but has never had the chance to learn. He is kind hearted, intensely sensitive and quiet lad, who's personality becomes completely ruined through his experiences in the german u boats. Even though his parents are nazis and he has attended Hitler Youth since he was a young boy, Hahn is naive to the real horror of Hitler's regime, and hates violence and cruelty, unlike most of the young navy recruits.

Appearance: White blond hair in a crew cut, blue eyes with unusually long lashes, he is a true Aryan child in everything but his stature. He is bird boned and frail, with no strenght at all. Pale and weakly, he faints often and has no stamina.


His father, a renowned Nazi officer in the Third Reich, is highly disappointed in his feeble failure of an heir, not understanding that his son actually suffers from anaemia, which causes him to faint and be sickly. In disgust, his father sends him off as a young navy recruit on the U995, a U boat, in an attempt to harden him into a proud young nazi.

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