Race: human
Height: 5' 9
Age: 19
Family: deceased
Animals: none
Weapons: Bane, a dirk/short sword

Personality: Hallath is cold, unemotional, a survivalist. Although he comes across as ruthless and harsh, however, he abides by his own parameters in which he is interested in those around him. He is willing to protect those weaker, but stictly in an impersonal way. He distrusts all people, keeping his own counsel, and granting true friendship to no one.

Appearance: Giving him the appearance of a goodfornothing rogue, his clothes are weather beaten shades of brown and grey, from his jerkin and boots to his travel cloak and sturdy leather gaunlets. His dirk, Bane, hangs sheathed at his belt, usually partially concealed by his cloak, but easily accessible to Hallath's trained reflexes. Long enough to be used as a short sword with brutal results, its darkly elegant crafted blade is tinted a burnished, reddish gold, while around its hilt, deep, but thin black designs spider like old scars.


Hallath’s history is lonely and brutal. Hinted at in the scars he bears and the solitary life he leads, the details are a secret he and Bane alone carry.

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