Race: cloud fairy
Height: 4'3"
Age: 9
Family: faterh is Kleigh, mother is Eve
Animals: Lyte, the winged unicorn with gold wings and horn
Weapons: none

Personality: She's extremly kind and energetic, adventurous, and helpful. Harmony is also reluctant to use powers in a bad situation, her perkiness bugs people, and shes obsessed with Lyte. She's also really loud and can be obnoxious.

Appearance: Her eyes are violet, her hair is a wavy blonde. Her skin is fair and flawless. Her wings are see through and fragile looking, extending from the front (where the wings start from her back) to about the middle is pastel pink and blue "veins". She has four wings total. She usually wears pastel colored tinkerbell dresses.


She has lived in the country of Alea that borders Devlin her whole life, specifically in the Butterfly Manor. Her parents are protective and dont let her leave anywhere without them. She often sneaks off to see her friends Braedon, Calliwen, Trenton, and Ezrani.

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