Race: Ranger (a human)
Height: 6' 4
Age: 25
Family: Father died in the Battle of Helm's Deep, she has a sister named, Jolana.
Animals: She rides a stallion named Leragne.
Weapons: A sword named Calanon for Light, and bow and arrows.

Personality: She's kind yet mysterious. She has an elven beauty, she is friends of Kristantha Anglef,Arwen, Romain Manolf, and Aragorn. To her friends she is loyal, and her friendships last long. She is willing to make new friends.

Appearance: A tall human, she stands tall among the rangers. If you'e to bump into her on the road, you'll find her wearing the common garb of the rangers, a brown veiling cloak with hood, and underneath she normally wears armor and weapons. On formal occasions, she wears elven (or anglefian) dresses given to her by Kristantha and Arwen. Her hair is deep brown and flows half-way down her back, her hair feels like silk. Deep blue eyes look out from her pale face.


She was a teenager when her father died in the Battle of Helm’s Deep. Later, she began to travel long distances and on one of her journeys, she came across Aragorn… and of course they made friends. On a different journey, she bumped into Kristantha and Romain who were traveling together. They soon became friends. She journeyed far from her home, in Mirkwood, and joined the Rangers. She was attracted to Rohan and stayed there for a long time.

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