Gender: 2
Race: Men
Height: 5' 7"
Age: 16
Family: none she can remember
Animals: a wolf Sear
Weapons: Sword, bow, a few arrows

Personality: She is quiet, often seen alone, even with a group traveling. She is calld by some cold, rude, and a loner, but she does not wish to be close to people most of the time. When she does allow herself to open up, she is shy, timid, very quiet, and does not get angry, no matter what. She may become annoyed, but it never goes so far as to anger.

Appearance: She has dark brown eyes and bright blonde hair. She wears her hair in braid down her back or simply pulled back to keep it out of the way when traveling, or doing anything else for that matter. She stands tall and is slim, but not alarmingly so. She wears Elven traveling clothes most of the time, however sometimes she is seen in armour of Elvish make. Her skin is slightly tanned and she is muscular, but not overly so. She is very lithe and quick in movements.


As a child she was abandoned when her parents were killed by orcs on the road to Gondor to meet with her grandparents. She was lost and wandered for days, cold, tired, scared and lonely. She was three when this happened and she did not get far, collapsing from weariness. An Elf found her, or more specifically, Legolas and Elrohir found her while hunting. Concerned about her well being and alrmed by the fact she was alone, they took her to Lothlorien with them, for it was closest at the time. A young couple took pity on her and kept her with them, raising her as an Elf would be. She has never really been around the race of Men, but she became better known to them when she began to travel. She did not want to stay with the Elves any longer, feeling out of place among them. So since she became old enough to go out on her own, she has traveled, which has only been for two years.

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