Race: Man
Height: 5'7
Age: 22
Family: deceased
Animals: a horse named Lyg
Weapons: A sword (Kiss)

Personality: Very sneaky. She is a women of low dignity. Very sly with her work of thieving. She can put on the best acts in order to get what she wants. Usually these acts revolve around tempting men. As a person Hiss...does not mind getting aquainted. But usually the people she becomes aquainted to, find not to trust her. She is not on anyones side...neither good or bad. She works alone and her own boss.

Appearance: Hiss keeps to one appearance. She has long dark brown hair, which is slightly wavy at the ends. Her eyes are dark brown and her figure is small an petite. Dresses in the garb of men...fitted to her figure. Long brown traveling pants...rather tight and beige shirt with long wavy sleeves. It ties up her torso..and has a VERY loose collar. Her cloak is brown as well and light for when in summer weather. She has tall brown riding boots and two brown leathered short arm bands ending at her bunched up sleeves. she is usually seen with a pipe or wrapped up weed in her mouth..being surrounded with smoke.


(i’m going to try to stay as true to Tolkien as possible. Please someone correct me if I am wrong with the dates and such)

Was born in the Third Age during the War of the Ring in Edoras. Her family fled with the others for helm’s deep. Her father died in the Helms Deep battle…along with her mother who had run out in the battle to mourn her father’s untimely death. Hiss was but a child and went by the name Caran.

Having no other family, a manage of stables took young Hiss in and raised her. She worked as one of the ‘stable boys’…but when old enough soon fled Edoras. She left with no skill whatsoever, and went after her untimely dream…to be a ranger. She found the rangers and they taught her…only half way. Her instructors saw she was not a worthy ranger and even though she had learned the majority of the skills of one…she did not have the spirit that is needed. They immediately ignored her training. She was furious at this and left… Now she lives life as a thief…only way for her to live really.

oh yes and Hiss is a lover of pipe weed. Ever since she was with the ranger she kept good supply. If you even so much as TOUCH her pipe weed she should have to make clear to you not with a blade 😉

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