Gender: 1
Race: Men
Height: 6'0
Age: 32
Family: Father:Foslag Mother:Seuntina
Animals: none
Weapons: 3rd age Gondolian titanium sword-quiver of Lothlorien arrows and a golden helm longshot bow

Personality: Hosjak is fierce when it comes to meeting new people. He doesn't intend on being mean, but while growing up he had to fight a lot. He is very kind and shy, yet he does damage during battle, bringing all his anger out while fighting orcs or uruk-hai.

Appearance: He has long, smooth, curly brown hair, during a battle, he usually has it in a pony tail, Tall, wears long silver gowns, golden helm-partially destroyed, wears elven cloaks over, and ranger boots.


Hosjak was born in Rohan, in a forgotten camp where his travelers were resting. As a child, his parents stopped roaming and finally settled down in Minas Tirith, where he spent all his childhood. He was usually called to fight as a young boy, so he is skilled in training. Foslag, his father, was killed in the battle for Osgiliath, while fighting alongside Boromir and Faramir. After his father’s death, he left Gondor, cursing the armies of Mordor. His mother was soon killed when Minas Tirith was sieged. He fled north crossing through all Middle-Earth, until he arrived at Lothlorien, where he became a host to Lady Galadriel. Soon afterward, he left, moving further north to hopefully leave with the elves in the Grey Havens. But he encountered a cave troll of Moria, where he soon escaped, meeting Hagrom and Zuleika, where he will go to Minas Tirith where he will avenge his family.

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