Race: Moriquendi
Height: 5' 11
Age: Unknown
Family: Unknown
Animals: Pitch black horse named Yami.
Weapons: Highly skilled with bow but prefers to get into close combat with daggers. Also has a swift sword.

Personality: Is very willing to help but doesnt allow people to get close to him. Very closed up and no one knows what he is really like, solitary by nature... Sometimes, people fear his presence. But on rare occassions he does smile!!! He isnt a grumpy teen!!! But, if you do get on his bad side, BEWARE!!! He will do what it takes for revenge!

Appearance: A black cloak settles on his slender back. As he rides the horse, his cloak is flung back and on dark nights from a distance it looks like a nazgul. Hair never seen as no-one has seen him without his cloak. Piercing blue eyes that people sometimes fear. As dangerous as he looks he can treat things gently...


An elf shrouded in mystery. Nothing known about any of his ancestors (but some revealed in threads…) and he mainly likes to keep it that way.Is part of a cult called Ekibyo which very few people know about.

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