Gender: 1
Race: Man
Height: 5' 1"
Age: 14
Family: Uncle Linual
Animals: Horse
Weapons: hand-and-a-half cut-and-thrust sword, dagger, bow

Personality: Ilneäl is cautious, and it takes long to earn his trust. However, once you have gained it you have gained a life long friend, loyal to the end. He is somewhat dreary and doesn't take joy in childish things, and is wise beyond his years. However, he is a natural leader.

Appearance: His hair is a deep, rich reddish-brown. His eyes are brown closest to the center and fade to a deep rich green. He is short, but muscular. he has a broad, solid build, yet he is quite agile despite his appearance. He wears a long green cloak and hood, a brown leather tunic and a mail hauberk. he does posses a helm passed down to him from his uncle, but he rarely uses it as it slows him down and works against his steaklth tactics in battle.


Born in Northern Eastern Gondor, Ilneäl was just a small boy when both his parrents were killed in a house fire. His mysterious unle adopted him and brought him far into the North, to Eriador. When Ilneäl turned ten he began his instruction in fighting and lived the life of a Ranger, as his uncle did. He was instructed in the use of his sword (which he forged himself, using the skills passed to him by his father who was a weaponsmith) and dagger, a gift from the Elves of Lorien. Right before the War of the Ring began, he began instruction in the use of a bow, but his learning was inturrupted when the Rangers left eriador and met Aragorn before he went on the paths of the dead. Ilneäl was told by his uncle to continue on with Theoden, but he would not be sepperated from his Ranger campanions. The day after Aragorn departed from Theoden, Ilneäl borrowed a horse from Theoden and began tracking the Rangers. After following them closely in the paths, pursued by The Army of the Dead, he finally rejoined them. Having proved himself as a ranger, he fought through the War of the Ring, an instrumental leader, and continues to protect the borders of Ithilien from the foul folk of Mordor.

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