Gender: 2
Race: Half-demon/chibi
Height: three feet tall
Age: 13
Family: none
Animals: a pet white ninetailed fox named Kuri(sometimes ridden on, also is the guardian of IC)
Weapons: mini tetsusaiga, killer tops, sling shot

Personality: Small and timid. Can't wait to pick a fight, even though she probably won't win. She's funny, and supprises people with her chibish form of acting. She knows she is cute and uses a Puppy eyed look to her advantage.

Appearance: Small and is a mini girl version of Inuyasha. Where's a red kariginu(or a kimono, whatever you call it), a charmed necklace, and has a chubby little face.(don't mock) She has big eyes and walks around barefooted.


She is a chibi who works alone,but tends to pop in at unusual times. She often gets lost, so she ends up sitting in trees looking for a direction she can take.

She eats alittle too often, so don’t get supprised when she brings cake and icecream.

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